Kamis, 10 November 2016

Invitation Letter

October, 20th 2016
To :

General Manager of XWZ.Inc
Place, Kelapa Dua Depok

Sub : Build Recidences With Go Green Concept

Dear Sir/Madam

Podomoro Land Companya invite XWZ.Inc to cooperate in building the recidences with “Go Green Concept”. The reason why we choose is to create a place to stay safe, healthy, and convinient for people. Proposal residence will discuss at the early meeting.
The first meeting will be held on :
Date                :  30th October 2016
Points              :  Podomoro Land Company, Kelapa Dua street No.100 Depok
Time                :  09:00 to 11:00
We Hope that your presence, and let us know your confirmation

  Sincerely yours,

(General Manager)

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