Selasa, 15 Desember 2015

Examples of Active and Passive Voice

Berikut adalah contoh-contoh kalimat Active Voice dan Passive Voice:
  1. [ AV ] Harry ate six shrimp at dinner. 
    [ PV ]  At dinner, six shrimp were eaten by Harry.
  2. [ AV ] Beautiful giraffes roam the savannah.
    [ PV ] The savannah is roamed by beautiful giraffes.
  3. [ AV ] The wedding planner is making all the reservations.
    [ PV ] All the reservations will be made by the wedding planner.
  4. [ AV ] Who ate the last cookie?
    [ PV ] The last cookie was eaten by whom?
  5. [ AV ] The science class viewed the comet.
    [ PV ] The comet was viewed by the science class.
  6. [ AV ] Alex posted the video on Facebook.
    [ PV ] The video was posted on Facebook by Alex.
  7. [ AV ] The director will give you instructions.
    [ PV ] Instructions will be given to you by the director.
  8. [ AV ] The homeowners remodeled the house to help it sell.
    [ PV ] The house was remodeled by the homeowners to help it sell. 
  9. [ AV ] The team will celebrate their victory tomorrow.
    [ PV ] The victory will be celebrated by the team tomorrow.
  10. [ AV ] The kangaroo carried her baby in her pouch.
    [ PV ] The baby was carried by the kangaroo in her pouch.
  11. [ AV ] Some people raise sugar cane in Hawaii.
    [ PV ] Sugar cane is raised by some people in Hawaii.
  12. [ AV ] Larry generously donated money to the homeless shelter. 
    [ PV ] Money was generously donated to the homeless shelter by Larry

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